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Breakfast at Whataburger

This dream wasn't particularly exciting but I thought it was worth writing about just because it was a pretty chill dream as mundane as it is. This dream didn't have any grand openings or any exciting going on. I was inside a dinning area for Whataburger (A Texas chain of fast food restaurants which to be brutally honest I despise. I always never liked Whataburger and now I heard the food and customer service is even shittier than ever) having breakfast with a Canadian guy from Quebec I used to know online back in my college days. We were both having pancakes which is probably the only thing I like from Whataburger other than their milkshakes but you'll never catch me inside one in real life. With that said, this friends of mine and I were just relaxing and we were talking about video games for some reason. Mostly about Sega Consoles.

I don't remember the exact details but we were talking about consoles like the Genesis/Mega Drive and the Master System as well as stuff about how we hook up our consoles to our CRTs. We were both avid gamers so that doesn't seem out of the ordinary in this dream.

I suppose I can go off topic now that there's not much else to this dream other than the two of us having breakfast so I might as well give some context as to one of my old online buddies from those years. I never meet with my online friend in person but we used to talk on Skype back in our college years or through Teamspeak so we both know what we look like. At the time, we were both trolls who would go on raids with a bunch of other mass raiders and this was around late 2000s, early 2010s. Usually with online games but particularly when Twitch was taking off and didn't have a choke-hold on moderation. But he was the guy who got me into the whole Linux ecosystem at the time. We never really had any conflicts with each other but he did run into some problems in real life so he kind of disappeared after a few years. Not sure what happened to him since but yeah it was nostalgic to see him again in a dream I suppose. Not a bad guy by any means. But as much suffering as I was dealing with college at the time, I sure miss that era of the internet. There were so many cool people worth meeting out there. Like nobody even gave a shit about politics or twitter/tumblr drama. If you were an edgelord and like technology, you could easily find like minded friends.

Still...talking about this dream is kind of making me hungry. I wish I could make pancakes that aren't from Whataburger.

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