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Why I use Bandcamp

As much as I prefer to use software and services that are libre and respect your privacy. I had to settle with Bandcamp. It’s probably one of the better platforms for getting your stuff out there for others to listen. In the past, I have tried Soundcloud but it has an issue with bots that kept liking and commenting on my tracks. It also has this malicious tracking that can expose your regional location if you were to listen to someone else’s track. I think Bandcamp might have a similar feature but it might be locked behind some sort of pay wall. Another advantage Bandcamp has is the ability to let users stream and download your music for any specific price. I will always keep my music free. There is a download limit though but I don’t see myself ever getting to that point. Regardless, I’ll probably have a self hosted download link whenever I can obtain the resources to do so. Bandcamp also has the ability to distribute merch which is cool I guess. Not something I can realistically do anyways. I know Bandcamp isn’t perfect but it’s not bad site if you need to host your music.

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