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Social Rants


I’m kind of glad some people are starting to wake up to the whole boomer lie about “Working Hard” = “Having a good life” meme and while to some extent that is mostly true, that’s not the case anymore. There’s a lot of “Conservatives” in particular that pretend to be part of the “le based” group like Ben Shapiro, Mike Rowe, Elon Musk, your parents even, or that annoying co-worker of yours who thinks he’s going to be a millionaire by stacking boxes for 40 hours a week on minimal wage. As if working 40 hours a week is supposed to be healthy or something. The only people who spew this shit are either clueless, want you to be enslaved so they can buy a new boat or vacation ticket to fuck some hookers in Thailand, or are getting paid to tell you something that doesn’t help you at all. Money isn’t everything but it is necessary to living in the world we live in no matter where you live. I can acknowledge that. I think working to participate in society in someway, as much as it sucks, is necessary because this system we put up called Civilization requires all these gears to move or else we’ll all get heatstroke, starve, and die. But to dedicate one’s own life entirely to working is just...stupid and humiliating to your soul and your body.

I’ve seen so many wannabe “Manly men” boasting about working 40 hours or even 85 hours a week which is even more baffling. There’s no way someone is stacking boxes for 85 hours without having a mental breakdown or having severe body pain to the point where you have to abuse alcohol or drugs (prescribed or illegal) to get through it all. So more than likely, these people are lying or are trying to normalize the retardation they are going through just so can afford whatever lifestyle they are needlessly spending on. Or maybe they worship Capitalism, money, or grifters like those I mention above who spew this bullshit more than they do their own loved ones, family, friends, God, or children to the point that they put work as a main priority over everything else. I mean what kind of sadist do you have to be to put yourself through that crap for 40 hours a week, let alone more than that?

And the worst part about all this is that it’s normalizing the subhuman working hours conditions that everyone has to deal with because the economy isn’t doing to well. You cannot afford an apartment on minimal wage in some places in the US, let alone your own house assuming you have the credit. Don’t even bother if you have shitty credit like I do for making the mistake of going to and flunking Uni in hopes of learning something actually useful and guaranteed a job after graduation. I mean it’s bad enough that nobody is hiring and because there’s so many people looking for jobs these days because labour is so abundant and cheap. You have to compete for positions with H1Bs, immigrants, lazy fucks like me who want to try to turn their life around so we don’t fall back into NEETdom again. It’s like we’re in the Gilded Age again but with more cyberpunk nightmare tech that goes back into HR, worker’s profile history, and requiring connections just to land yourself a job at all. I’m fortunate enough to have a job that doesn’t destroy my body with long hours despite the shit pay. Do you know how sad that sounds? Our parents nor our grandparents didn’t have to put up with this shit? I mean sure they worked hard too but not to this extent unless they were slaves. That’s what all this modern hustling work culture is. Modern slavery. It’s no wonder why some people go into NEETdom. I can sympathize with how they feel about the whole thing. If people are going to call you lazing for not working 7 days a week, 8 to 5 so their boss can buy a new yacht or the money line can go up, then you just be lazy and let them break their bodies and their sanity over nothing. Life is too short to be wageslaving. Unironically people should touch grass (as in go outside, walk on some grass at a park and breathe air that isn’t in an office space or construction site), relax and meditate to feel good for once in their life. Oh but that apparently makes me Anti-American, Anti-Capitalist, lazy, and so on.

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