Arma III Warstories: Retaking Takistan Attempt 1
The following story is a dramatization of gameplay in an Arma III singel player mission.
It’s been three years since Takistan (AKA Not Afghanistan) had fallen into the Takistan Rebels since Coalition forces had departed. With the election season coming up, the president has called upon a tactical miracle from the military to avenge the embarrassment that was the withdrawal. There is just one problem. The military can’t send any regular forces or even special ops units to the country as there is a risk for an even bigger public blunder should the operation fail miserably. That was when the president’s advisor had come up with a solution. What if we send a ragtag force of personal that weren’t exactly military but could perhaps get the job done if they were lucky. This special non-military unit could be flown into the country and preform the one object of assassinating the paramilitary general of the Takistan militia group. If the mission were to go horribly wrong, then it could just be passed off as a ragtag mercenary group that failed a contract from the rebels within the country. But who would these mercenaries be recruited from? Would they be top of the line PMCs with many years of experience? Ex-special forces? Security Personal? Local Rebels?
LMAO of course not!
The secret service called upon the internal countries intel to recruit four random civilians to carry out this mission. Each of these so called “misfit recruits” will be given the opportunity to do this mission in exchange for something the government can provide for them. One such recruit was a guy who went by the alias online as “SwordArtOnlineFan1993”. He had never had a job in his life but apparently had played every single Call of Duty game since Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare so he was a good pick, at least according the the secret service. He also claimed to be a so called master of the Katana as he has been training the art of the sword while his peers in high school were going on dates or something. He had agreed to the terms and conditions of the mission in exchange for a lifetime supply of Hotpockets. He also requested to take any weapon of his choosing. He insisted on getting equiped with a M1A1 Thompson Sub Machine Gun as he claimed it’s a classy weapon and that AR and AK are for Swaggots. Whatever that means.
The second recruit was a guy who used to be part of some inner city gang who goes by the street name of Three-Fitty, his Soundcloud username. This was a thug who made Drill Raps and had a pretty lenghty criminal record from robberies, multiple homicides, using fake dollar bills, procession of drugs, and jaywalking. Nevertheless, this was all seen as good enough combat experience and Three-Fitty was offered a Nissan Skyline and a pardon for all of his crimes in exchange for his service in this mission. After a bit of negotiations in regards to also getting “Three Hundred and Fifty” bucks, he accepted the agencies offer. He was issued a Tec-9 machine pistol and GLAWK 40 with a full-auto switch because that’s what he used during drive-bys.
The third recruit wasn’t much of a recruit at all. Rather, he was an asset to a previous false flag operation that was in the works. Supposedly this client was going to be groomed into domestic terrorism for some White Supremacists cause in order to rally up public outcry for political purposes but the handlers had figured he’d make a better asset serving in this secret operation to overthrowing the Takistan rebels control. He goes by the username “ReclaimTradition88” on some heavily monitored Discord server and was told that he was going on a “mission to save the white race for good" (Even though he wasn't white) by being deployed in Takistan to take out a so called enemy of the white race. If he were to succeed, he would be promised a “Ethno-State” at one of the private abandoned islands from some billionaire or something. He was issued a Daniel Defense AR15 because the handlers had some contract with that firearm company a while back.
And then, there was me. John Smith. Just some regular guy who just so happened to be contacted by these government agencies. They told me I was a frequent poster on a weapons board and I would be given the chance to skip all of the military training and paper work and go straight to the action. I would be promised anything I wanted in return. I asked for a boyfriend free girlfriend as I was tired of being so lonesome. Because I was no-guns (like everyone else on the weapons board), I was given an AKM with a red dot because they claimed “If it’s easy enough for Takistan kids to use, it would easy for someone like you.” One thing was certain, the four of us were not military personal and we would be going into something we had no idea what we were signed up for.

We were deployed by helicopter right on the border of Takistan, straight into milita territory for some reason. We were told that this would be a stealth mission and once we disembarked the transport helicopter, we were instantly fired upon by the militia forces. I felt the bullets whizzing by as I immediately went prone behind a rock. I could not see the enemy but my squad-mates stood up around me as they open fire on the enemy. Three-Fitty with his Tec-9 would spray a bunch of rounds in the general direction of the incoming fire. I don’t think he hit any. ReclaimTradition88, despite having the better weapon of the group, didn’t even fire his weapon and just spun around. Surprisingly, it was SwordArtOnlineFan1993 who was able to take out the Takistan Militiamen with his M1A1 Thompson as he burst fire into the bushes, killing one of the militiamen and then turning around killing the other who was shooting us from the hills behind us. Once the chaos was over, we were relieved to be unharmed. I got off from the ground and had a look at my map as well as my list of objectives.

Our first objective was to secure a mosque within some village and find an individual (it’s unknown if he was a civilian or a former militiaman) and question him for intel about the whereabouts of a Takistan cell. In anycase, we were deep in enemy territory and we had to get out of this spot where we could easily get ambused. So we move down the road heading towards this village, checking our sides and especially the hills where there could be militamen waiting for us.

It was pretty easy to spot the village as the mosque was quite easy to spot from a distance. The village was guarded by a few militamen but we were able to take them out quickly before they even spotted us. Unfortunately, one of them got a burst out and injured SwordArtOnlineFan1993 but he as able to bandage himself quickly to stop the bleeding once we made it behind some cover behind a bazaar area in front of the Mosque. I was the first one to move towards the Mosque as I opened a door looking towards the entrance of the mosque. A militia soldier must of heard as walked right in front of me as I dumped a few rounds from my AKM in semi auto. A heads shot brought him down instantly. It was the first time I’d ever kill someone so close but I am mentally not thinking of the ramifications of my actions as after I took out this man, gun fire started coming towards us from the walls surrounding the mosque. I ran towards the entrance for cover as I waited for my squad to hurry up and form up with me at the entrance. They were shooting at the hills surrounding the village. It seems like we were getting ambush but the mosque itself had a few hostiles as well as some civilians running around. I ordered one of them to move away as they ran for cover. They were difficult tell apart from the militiamen as they dressed simliarly in Islamic garments. Three-Fitty and ReclaimTradition1488 seemed to be firing recklessly and called out hits on some civilians as if that’s something to be proud of. At least they finally hit something I supposed, even if they were unarmed but little did we realize, we might have made a mistake that would cost us deeply down the line.

I made my way into the mosque after clearing out the interior of hostiles. I come into this single room where I find the informant standing next to what I assumed to be his personal guards. They brought their rifles up as I opened the door to the room and I had to assume they were hostiles as I immediately took them down with my AKM. The so called informant just stood there un-phased by my impulsive actions and at last I was able to speak with the informant. It was hard to even pay attention as I held onto the spacebar to interrigate as I heard the gunfire outside of the mosque as my squadmates engaged hostiles whom seemed be attacking from all sides of the village. Three-Fitty called on the radio that he was down and starting begging for a medic. After the interrogation was over, I just said fuck it and shot the informant as we were in deep shit already and nothing else mattered anymore. My squad mates that were still in fighting condition would constantly call out enemy infantry and anti-armor personal along with civilians running through out this village as gunfire is exchanged. It was like a scene from hell and nobody was safe. I couldn’t even peak outside of the back gates of the mosque as I would hear bullets hitting and wizzing past me and I desperately tried to open fire to supress the enemy.
Within seconds, I was hit and knocked down onto the ground. I struggled to get up as blood spewed all over my hand-me-down uniform. All I could hear was the calls of my squad mates as they spot enemies and open fire on anything that moved. I was able to get back up and I attempted to bandage myself until I was shot again and this time I was incapacitated. I couldn’t fire my AKM as I was on the floor. I screamed that I was injured over the radio and I was taking heavy fire. Soon after, ReclaimTardition88 was also shot and injured leaving SwordArtOnlineFan1993 as the only uninjured member of our squad. As I lay there on the ground bleeding, I watch as militia men walk past me as they storm the mosque. I can hear SwordArtOnlineFan1993 firing away his Thompson and after a minute or so, the firing seems to slow down a bit. I look and see SwordArtOnlineFan1993 heading towards my direction as he preforms the Heimlich maneuver while I was on the floor. Somehow, that was able to get me back on my feet. I was able to hold my AKM again but I was still bleading out as I felt my vision pulsing as I walked. I tried to look for the others around the mosque but just as we were heading for ReclaimTradition88 who was also injured the floor, we got fired upon by more militamen and the both of us were hit. We were now both bleeding out on the floor and the militiamen would not stop firing on us as we laid on the ground. The screams for help were futile as nobody was around to save us. The last thing I saw as I laid on the ground once more was my two squadmates laying on the ground bleeding out. ThreeFitty was nowhere to be seen and probably is bleeding out somewhere else At this point, I let the light take me away and soon all of my troubles were gone before me.
The mission was a failure. Civilian lives paid a heavy toll from the crossfire between a militia that has been fighting for years and a ragtag group of rushed mercenaries with little or no combat experiences. We didn’t die for a good cause. We died for some half ass attempt to save face and swept under the rugs and as the current administration tried to work a story for this whole mess of an operation. We were all just misfits, nobodies, so there would be no obituaries for the lives lost on that secret mission. A Takistani militaman searches our corpses and walks back home to village, holding a Aliexpress Katana that once belonged to SwordArtOnlineFan1993, a mixtap of a rap song about how ThreeFitty pulled up on da opps and braaaap braap some motherfukkas, and a manifesto about something he can't even understand because it's in English.
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