Summer of Games (Totally not Cope E3) 2024

Pre-Show Analysis:
Yeah. I'm not impressed at all. Geoff Keighley said it first, this year had nothing to offer. With all the layoffs and all, there's honestly no point in saying the Triple A industry is in a good position right now. Yet somehow, they still insist on producing live service hero shooter garbage, indie rouge-lites, cinematic gameplay trailers with no gameplay, you know the drill at this point. The only siginificant suprises for me this year were very few. Civilization 7 is in the works apparently. But no gameplay or any information as of yet other than a gameplay reveal sometime in August or something. Will they go to a different artstyle that doesn't look like a Pixar film like in Civ 6? I hope so...but I will admit, Cleopatra in Civ 6 made me feel tingly in a good way. Uh.....Amongus TV show (Why?). Some game based off that Bean meme animation or whatever. Yeah that's honestly it. I didn't care for anything else.
But now to shit talk about Samurai games. Is it just me or does it seem like over the past few years, we have been bombarded with Samurai games, movies, and just general "le Japanese culture but for mainstream audiences". Something that I heard about the firearms market that's pretty much true with the tech and vidya world is that the industry is always four or five years behind the current cultural consensus. Varg and that ViKANGS tv show was popular back in the mid to late 2010s so you got a lot of Vikang slop like God of Soy, Ass Creed Vah-Allah, and some other games I don't even remember the names of along with all that meme throat singing pagan music that goes along with it. Now we got a Samurai TV show, a billion Soul-less-likes vidya, a hard push for anime into the mainstream, and some kind of force trying to coerce white guys and indians into moving to Japan. Suffice to say, I can smell trends from a mile away and I know a forced trend when I see one. I don't understand why game devs have to be so moronic and chase every trend in video games to the point where fucking Valve is making one themselves (A game called Deadlock which is a stupid ass name because there's already a game called "Deadlock: Planetary Conquest" which happens to be one of my childhool PC games so Valve can take their hero shitter and piss off. Go play that game instead of the new one, it's like Civ but with funny Ayys. Even if it weren't for the fact that Samurai games were trending over the past few years, it's still one of the most generic game settings you can do. The fact that it took Ubisoft this long to release what their fanbase was asking for since the Ass Creed 3 days (or what's left of them now lmao) is just depressing. But I don't care. Nobody should care. Now I just gotta wait for Nintendo once again to save the year with their mid-summer annoucements. I shouldn't have to because I don't want to come off as a Nintendrone. I like Nintendo, I like most of their games, but I don't like their treatment of their fans or their greedy nature when it comes to their IPs and emulation. But I seriously hope they do away with remakes already. They butchered Paper Mario TTYD with that 30FPS cap and all so I never bought into it thankfully. There's no excuse for a game from back in my school years to not run in 2024 at it's original framerate. What the fuck was Nintendo thinking? But that's all I have to say about that.
Nintendo Direct June 2024
Metroid Prime 4. At last. We know it's coming next year. It looks fine I guess. Yeah... other than that, nothing really excited me that much and even with Metroid Prime 4 finally being shown and annouced, I wasn't as excited as I should be. I mean, I'm glad it's finally coming out and isn't in development hell anymore don't know. I suppose the Switch is coming to an end of the console life. It's been to long and the hardware is kind of weak at this point. I still like my Switch Lite but I would rather Nintendo go ahead and annouce their new console already so we can get some homebrew action without worrying about Nintendo police. I mean it kind of always existed since the first model of the Switch but I'd rather wait for a console to be discontinued to justify rooting or adding homebrew. Kind of like what I did with the Wii, PSP and DS consoles. But back on the subject of Metroid, Sylux (A character from Metroid Prime Hunters) is going to be the villian in Prime 4. Uh...okay. Sure. I was a Noxus guy myself when I used to play that game online. I wish I was a cold purple alien insectoid. But I digress.
Honestly, Not a particularly exciting I mean summer of games. If I were any kind of investor in the vidya industry, unless it Nivida, I wouldn't invest in any of the big companies. I mean how can you unless you have "Fuck You" money to throw around. Most corporations and mutlibilianares do at at this point so it's whatever. I just think it's a wasteful investment. You can put that money on curing cancer or something but nah let's fund (an)Hero shooters and gaming as a service memes. That's real capitalism (TM) (R) (C).
I need that Wii Music segement from E3 to bring me some energy: